Branding is the management of differences in the minds of people.
Branding is even more important in the new economy where choices have multiplied and total competition is the norm. Branding has gained new importance in the age of connectivity. But the rules are the same. The secret is to create trust and confidence. It is complicated, but the aim is to get into people’s hearts and minds. Why not in the hearts and minds of those people relevant to you? The ones who decide if you get the job, or not. Or those who are close to the ones who take the decisions? But keep in mind that attention, next to time, is the scarcest commodity of the 21st century.
Nobody is waiting for you, nobody will call you. YOU need to move. That’s the key for every sales person. And you need to deliver what you promise. Do you hand in your work on time? Do the internal and external clients get a reliable service from you? Do you anticipate problems and find solutions to them? Does your client save money by having you on the project? Do you complete projects on budget?
Don’t tell me you have nothing to sell. You have and you should. Everybody lives by selling something. That is why you need a methodology to position yourself in an overcrowded marketplace– one that is straightforward, filled with fun and joy and that can consistently build up over time to be credible, genuine and unique.